EFFY Healthcare, an efficiency platform that overlays existing systems to help healthcare organizations compare massive amounts of data across their total enterprise, detect exceptions and problems, and guide interventions to improve efficiency, announces to be working with Bon Secours Hospital System, a not-for-profit Catholic health system, to bring efficiency levels at their Revenue Cycle Managemnt area, into further levels. EFFY provides RAID Healthcare actionable analytics, a solution that effectively addresses claim denials and revenue leakage to improve Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) throughout the enterprise.
“EFFY gives us the real-time information to allow us to cover any gaps in our process,” says Sheila Kuenzle, vice president of Revenue Cycle Services, Bon Secours. “A healthcare provider is given the information at their fingertips to know if there is a break in process or change in process that would mean a future loss for a revenue cycle event. By understanding the gap real time, we are able to recover and not lose net revenue.”
The hospital system has undergone significant expansion over the past few years, bringing massive sets of disparate data to be reconciled and reviewed, and adding a significant degree of complexity to its RCM processes.
Lisa Darsch, MSN, RN, senior clinical advisor, EFFY, states, “EFFY requires low upfront costs and makes it possible to devise rapid interventions for correcting inefficiencies and revenue leakage that impact the bottom line-- before they occur. This prevents the denial and lowers the accounts receivable days"
EFFY overlays existing transactional and operational systems, functioning as a permanent, protective 24/7 auditing and reporting “umbrella” that makes data comparable, and enabling leaders to take action and to follow up on that action.
Dedicated to healthcare efficiency, EFFY and its unique Unified Data engine, empower hospitals, hospital systems and Integrated Delivery Networks to retrieve, review and compare massive amounts of operational, clinical and financial data across a total enterprise -- no matter its size, data incompatibility or platform complexity.
“Our customizable, exception-based triggers identify deviations from norms, helping users reduce errors and denials, improve efficiency and productivity and meet compliance requirements,” Darsch adds. “EFFY makes transactional systems smarter and cleaner, while generating significant ROI within months of implementation.”