Healthcare Efficiency Platform
Analytics. Automation. Assurance.
According to benchmarks from global management consulting firms*, healthcare organizations can have revenue leakages between 5% to 10% of total revenues, making healthcare one of the industries with the highest rates in the market!
Increase overall collections and recover at least 50% of potentially lost revenue with Effy Healthcare!
*Source: PWC & BCG Analysis
Who we serve
Hospital Systems &
Health Care Delivery Networks
Healthcare RCM, Consulting and BPO Firms
The Challenge
Healthcare systems are feeling the strain of a complicated and cumbersome reimbursement process. Even with the most recent technology, organizations suffer from missing charges, claim denials and other threats to their revenue. Often, mountains of disparate operational, clinical and financial data hinders RCM efficiency and are the source of persistent high labor costs and revenue shortfalls.
Our Solution
We design an all-in-one platform that analyzes every relevant clinical and financial piece of data, including all locations and operating systems, and creates a customized, automated response ‘alert’ to deviations that cause revenue challenges and denials. Our solution advises, guides and automates the fix to problems before claims are generated, avoiding denials and their impact on the bottom line.
Our Technology
Our technology sits like an umbrella over your entire revenue cycle. It is an exception-based, actionable analytics reporting framework that collects, reconciles and evaluates disparate amounts of data out of any current transactional system – no matter the size, data incompatibility or platform complexity. Exception-based triggers identify deviations from norms, allowing organizations to reduce errors, improve productivity, meet compliance requirements and ensure financial viability.
Main Features
End-to-end Efficiency Platform
Gain powerful insight into processes, reduce revenue leakage, enhance productivity and guide business strategy.
Actionable BI and Reporting Tool
Compare actionable data in real-time with 24/7 continuous auditing and reporting.
Powerful Data Cruncher (ETL)
Capture, collect, reconcile and analyze data out of any existing transactional or operational system.
Compreehensive Workflow Engine
Devise and implement corrective interventions with a robust, embedded workflow tool.
Flexible Business Rules Engine
Drill down into root causes, take corrective action and confirm problem rectification with customized alarms driven by a flexible, powerful rules engine.
Outstanding Robotic Process Automation System
Monitor systems with smart sensors that look for deviations, trigger alarms, organize information and automate corrective action workflows.
Business Assurance Technology
RAID is an end-to-end business assurance platform used worldwide by leading healthcare systems, telecom companies, utilities, retail and other data-heavy, complex industries.
Collect and analyze data
Detect problems
Trigger alarms
Drill down to analyze, guide and advise leaders
Correct errors with integrated workflow to organize actions and automate the fixing journey
Focused on the exceptions that matter.
Denials Prevention
Stop managing denials and start preventing them. Pinpoint and correct denial root causes before claims are generated. Create permanent solutions with integrated workflows.
Revenue Integrity
Gain clear visibility into operational gaps and clinical issues affecting your bottom line, including coding performance and documentation completion. Mitigate compliance risks with operational transparency.
Performance Analytics
Access real-time, fully-customizable, actionable analytics for business intelligence insights across all your organization’s facilities and systems

Effy Healthcare charges and denials summary screen with dashboards.

Effy Healthcare charges and denials summary screen with dashboards.

Effy Healthcare Validations Summary by Alarm Type screen with dashboards.

Effy Healthcare charges and denials summary screen with dashboards.
A Quick, Cost-effective RCM Solution
Since our solution is layered on top of your existing technology, it is easy to test and implement without disrupting current systems, procedures or personnel. With your system live in as little as six weeks, such fast implementation will bring fast results – organizations that use Effy's platform routinely experience ROI of up to 300% within months of implementation.

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